Box 20
Contains 13 Results:
"Use of LSD in Personality Diagnostics and Therapy of Psychogenic Disorders." (photocopy of preprint), undated
Item — Box: 20, Folder: 2
Identifier: MSP 1, Series 1, Sub-Series 2, Item 48
Scope and Contents
Signed by Stanislav Grof.
"DPT as an Adjunct in Psychotherapy of Alcoholics," International Pharmacopsychiatry, Vol. 8, 1973
Item — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSP 1, Series 1, Sub-Series 2, Item 17
Scope and Contents
Co-authored with R.A. Soskin, W.A. Richards and A.A. Kurland. Three copies, one in Box 1 and two in Box 20.
"LSD und das menschliche Unbewusste," Kindheit, Vol. 3. (reprint), 1981
Item — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSP 1, Series 1, Sub-Series 2, Item 32
Scope and Contents
Two copies.
"Man kann die Astrologie nicht bejahen, ohne auch ihr Weltbild zu ubernehmen," Astrologie Heute. No. 8. (photocopy), April - May 2004
Item — Box: 20, Folder: 2
Identifier: MSP 1, Series 1, Sub-Series 2, Item 34
Scope and Contents
Co-authored with Claude Weiss and Alexandra Klinghammer.
April - May 2004
"Nature, Mind, and Consciousness: Gregory Bateson and the New Paradigm," Phoenix: Journal of Transpersonal Psychology. 5, 1981
Item — Box: 20, Folder: 2
Identifier: MSP 1, Series 1, Sub-Series 2, Item 36
Scope and Contents
From the Sub-Series:
All articles authored by Stanislav Grof and various collaborators.
"Nature, Mind, and Consciousness: Gregory Bateson and the New Paradigm," Phoenix: Journal of Transpersonal Anthropology. Vol. 5, No. 2 (reprint), 1981
Item — Box: 20, Folder: 2
Identifier: MSP 1, Series 1, Sub-Series 2, Item 37
Scope and Contents
Handwritten citation and signature on front page.
"Neobvylky Pripad Religiozni Paranoidni Psychozy," Ceskoslovenska Psychiatrie. 60, 4 (reprint), 1959
Item — Box: 20, Folder: 2
Identifier: MSP 1, Series 1, Sub-Series 2, Item 38
Scope and Contents
From the Sub-Series:
All articles authored by Stanislav Grof and various collaborators.
"Novy Pristup K Nekterym Psychologickym Problemum," Ceskoslovenska Psychologie. 8 (reprint), 1964
Item — Box: 20, Folder: 2
Identifier: MSP 1, Series 1, Sub-Series 2, Item 39
Scope and Contents
Co-authored with ZD. Dytrych. Handwritten note on back of last page.
"Perinatale Ursprunge von Kriegen, Revolutionen und Totalitarismus," Kindheit. Vol. 5, No. 1 (clipping), 1983
Item — Box: 20, Folder: 2
Identifier: MSP 1, Series 1, Sub-Series 2, Item 42
Scope and Contents
Two copies. Second copy is missing last page.
"Proslov," Prazska krizovatka. 4 (reprint), 2007
Item — Box: 20, Folder: 2
Identifier: MSP 1, Series 1, Sub-Series 2, Item 43
Scope and Contents
From the Sub-Series:
All articles authored by Stanislav Grof and various collaborators.
"Psychedelische Therapie und holonome Integration: Therapeutisches Potential aussergewohnlicher Bewusstseinszustande," Ethnopsychotherapie. Vol. 7, No. 17 (reprint), 1987
Item — Box: 20, Folder: 2
Identifier: MSP 1, Series 1, Sub-Series 2, Item 44
Scope and Contents
From the Sub-Series:
All articles authored by Stanislav Grof and various collaborators.
"Psychotogenni Ucinky Derivatu Adrenalinu," Souborny Referat. 2, 4 (reprint), 1960
Item — Box: 20, Folder: 2
Identifier: MSP 1, Series 1, Sub-Series 2, Item 45
Scope and Contents
Two copies.
"Serotonin A Jeho Vyznam Pro Psychiatrii," Souborne Referaty, undated
Item — Box: 20, Folder: 2
Identifier: MSP 1, Series 1, Sub-Series 2, Item 45
Scope and Contents
From the Sub-Series:
All articles authored by Stanislav Grof and various collaborators.