Box 5
Contains 28 Results:
Gabriel, Trip. "Call My Agent!" The New York Times Magazine. (clipping), February 19, 1989
Includes published and unpublished preprints, reprints, abstracts, and drafts of articles on the use of psychotropic substances as a therapeutic agent. It also includes book chapters, letters to the editor, and conference presentations.
Ganong, William F., Alan Goldfien, Al Halevy, Julian M. Davidson, and Angela Boryczka. "Effect of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide on Adrenocortical and Adrenal Medullary Function in the Dog," ACTA Endocrinologica. 34 (reprint), 1961
Includes published and unpublished preprints, reprints, abstracts, and drafts of articles on the use of psychotropic substances as a therapeutic agent. It also includes book chapters, letters to the editor, and conference presentations.
Garson, O. Margaret and Meryl K. Robson. "Studies in a Patient with Acute Leukaemia after Lysergide Treatment," British Medical Journal. 2 (photocopy), 1969
Includes published and unpublished preprints, reprints, abstracts, and drafts of articles on the use of psychotropic substances as a therapeutic agent. It also includes book chapters, letters to the editor, and conference presentations.
Gastaldi, G. (et al). "In tema di psicosi modello," Rivista di Patologia nervosa e mentale. Vol. 79 (reprint), 1958
Includes published and unpublished preprints, reprints, abstracts, and drafts of articles on the use of psychotropic substances as a therapeutic agent. It also includes book chapters, letters to the editor, and conference presentations.
Gerber, William F. "Congenital Malformations Induced by Mescaline, Lysergic Acid Diethylamide, and Bromolysergic Acid in the Hamster," Science. Vol. 158 (photocopy), October 13, 1967
Two copies.
Geert-Jorgensen, Einar. "Modelpsykoser og Lysergsyre-Diaethylamidebehandling," Saertryk af Ugeskrift for Laeger. (reprint), 1961
Handwritten note on front page.
Geert-Jorgensen, Einar, Mogens Hertz, Knud Knudsen, and Kjaerbye Kristensen. "LSD-Treatment: Experience gained within a three-year period," Report on the Fourteenth Congress of Scandinavian Psychiatrists, Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica. Vol. 40 (reprint), 1964
Handwritten note on front page.
Geronimus, Lippman H., Harold A. Abramson, and Laura J. Ingraham. "Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD-25): XXIII. Comparative Effects of LSD-25 and Related Ergot Drugs on Brain Tissue Respiration and on Human Behavior," The Journal of Psychology. 42 (reprint), 1956
Includes published and unpublished preprints, reprints, abstracts, and drafts of articles on the use of psychotropic substances as a therapeutic agent. It also includes book chapters, letters to the editor, and conference presentations.
Gessner, P. K., P. A. Khairallah, W. M. McIsaac, and I. H. Page. "The Relationship Between the Metabolic Fate and Pharmacological Actions of Serotonin, Bufotenine and Psilocybin," The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. Vol. 130, No. 2 (reprint), October 1960
Includes published and unpublished preprints, reprints, abstracts, and drafts of articles on the use of psychotropic substances as a therapeutic agent. It also includes book chapters, letters to the editor, and conference presentations.
Gettner, H. H., A. Rolo, and H. A. Abramson. "Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD 25): XXXIX. The Effect of High Temperatures on Stability," The Journal of Psychology. 75 (photocopy), 1970
Includes published and unpublished preprints, reprints, abstracts, and drafts of articles on the use of psychotropic substances as a therapeutic agent. It also includes book chapters, letters to the editor, and conference presentations.
Giberti, F. and L. Gregoretti. "Contributo Alla Conoscenza Dell'Isterismo Mediante L'Impiego di Farmaci Psicommetici," Archivo di Psicologia Neurologia E Psichiatria. 19 (reprint), 1958
Includes published and unpublished preprints, reprints, abstracts, and drafts of articles on the use of psychotropic substances as a therapeutic agent. It also includes book chapters, letters to the editor, and conference presentations.
Giberti, F. and Luciano Gregoretti. "Prime Esperienze Di Antagonismo Psicofarmacologico," Sistema Nervoso. 4 (reprint), 1955
Handwritten note on front page.
Giberti, F., L. Gergoretti, and G. Boeri. "L'Impiego Della Dietilamide Dell'Acido Lisergico Nelle Psiconevrosi," Sistema Nervoso. 4 (reprint), 1956
Underlining and marginalia throughout.
Giberti, F. and L. Gerogretti. "Studio Farmacopsichiatrico Di Un Caso Di Psiconevrosi Ossessiva," Sistema Nervoso. 4 (reprint), 1957
Includes published and unpublished preprints, reprints, abstracts, and drafts of articles on the use of psychotropic substances as a therapeutic agent. It also includes book chapters, letters to the editor, and conference presentations.
Giberti, F., L. Gregoretti, and S. Soriani. "Aspetti psicopatologici e rivlievi clinici nello studio farmacopsichiatrico delle sindromi ossessive e fobiche," Note e Riviste di Psichiatria. 3 (reprint), September 1958
Includes published and unpublished preprints, reprints, abstracts, and drafts of articles on the use of psychotropic substances as a therapeutic agent. It also includes book chapters, letters to the editor, and conference presentations.
Giberti, F. and L. Gregoretti. "Nouveaux Aspects Des Experiences Avec Des Drogues Psychotropes (LSD 25 Et Lae 32) Dans Les Psychonevroses," Neuro-Psychopharmacology., undated
Two copies. Extensive underlining and marginalia throughout first copy.
Gilbert, G. M. "Toward a Comprehensive Biosocial Theory of Human Behaviour," The International Journal of Social Psychiatry. Vol. 9, No. 2 (reprint), 1963
Includes published and unpublished preprints, reprints, abstracts, and drafts of articles on the use of psychotropic substances as a therapeutic agent. It also includes book chapters, letters to the editor, and conference presentations.
Gillin, J. Christian (et al). "5-Methoxy-N, N-Dimethyltriptamine: Behavioral and Toxicological Effects in Animals," Biological Psychiatry. Vol. 11, No. 3 (reprint), 1976
Includes published and unpublished preprints, reprints, abstracts, and drafts of articles on the use of psychotropic substances as a therapeutic agent. It also includes book chapters, letters to the editor, and conference presentations.
Ginzel, K. H. and W. Mayer-Gross. "Prevention of Psychological Effects of 3-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD 25) by its 2-Brom Derivative (BOL 148)," Nature. Vol. 178 (reprint), July 28, 1956
Includes published and unpublished preprints, reprints, abstracts, and drafts of articles on the use of psychotropic substances as a therapeutic agent. It also includes book chapters, letters to the editor, and conference presentations.
Gilson, M. "Les effets tensionnels de diverses amines sympathicomimetiques (Adrianol, Effortil, Isopropylnoradrianol." (photocopy), undated
Includes published and unpublished preprints, reprints, abstracts, and drafts of articles on the use of psychotropic substances as a therapeutic agent. It also includes book chapters, letters to the editor, and conference presentations.
Giosci, Victor. "Groovin' on Time: fragments of a sociology of the psychedelic experience." Delivered to the conference on Psychedelic Drugs convened by Hahneman Medical College and Hospital of Philadelphia. (typed manuscript), November 22 - 24, 1968
Handwritten note on front page.
Glickman, Lewis and Michael Bluemenfield. "Psychological Determinants of LSD Reactions," The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. Vol. 145, No. 1 (reprint), 1967
Includes published and unpublished preprints, reprints, abstracts, and drafts of articles on the use of psychotropic substances as a therapeutic agent. It also includes book chapters, letters to the editor, and conference presentations.
Godfrey, Kenneth E. "The Metamorphosis of an LSD Psychotherapist," Submitted to the Second Conference on LSD and Psychotherapy. (preprint), January 1965
Includes published and unpublished preprints, reprints, abstracts, and drafts of articles on the use of psychotropic substances as a therapeutic agent. It also includes book chapters, letters to the editor, and conference presentations.
Goldstein, Leonide, Henry B. Murphree, A. Arthur Sugerman, and Carl C. Pfeiffer. "Quantitative Electroencephalographic Analysis of Naturally Occurring (Schizophrenic) and Drug-Induced Psychotic States in Human Males," Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics. Vol. 4, No. 1 (photocopy), January - February, 1963
Includes published and unpublished preprints, reprints, abstracts, and drafts of articles on the use of psychotropic substances as a therapeutic agent. It also includes book chapters, letters to the editor, and conference presentations.
Gomirato, G., G. Gamna, E. Pascal. "Il Disegno Dell' Albero Applicato Allo Studio Delle Modificazioni Psicopatologiche Indotte Dalla Dietilamide Dell' Acido D Lisergico In Schizofrenici. - Nota II." Giornale di Psichiatria e di Neuropatologia. 2 (reprint), 1958
Includes published and unpublished preprints, reprints, abstracts, and drafts of articles on the use of psychotropic substances as a therapeutic agent. It also includes book chapters, letters to the editor, and conference presentations.