Box 4
Contains 92 Results:
Fort, Joel and Ralph Metzner. "LSD, Chromosomes, and Sensationalism," Psychedelic Review. 10 (typed manuscript), 1968
Includes published and unpublished preprints, reprints, abstracts, and drafts of articles on the use of psychotropic substances as a therapeutic agent. It also includes book chapters, letters to the editor, and conference presentations.
Fort, Joel. "Pot: A Rational Approach," Playboy? (photocopy), undated
Includes published and unpublished preprints, reprints, abstracts, and drafts of articles on the use of psychotropic substances as a therapeutic agent. It also includes book chapters, letters to the editor, and conference presentations.
Fox, Ruth. Is LSD of Value in Treating Alcoholics? (preprint), undated
Includes published and unpublished preprints, reprints, abstracts, and drafts of articles on the use of psychotropic substances as a therapeutic agent. It also includes book chapters, letters to the editor, and conference presentations.
Frederking, Walter. "Uber die Verwendung von Rauschdrogen (Meskalin und Lysergsaurediaethylamid) in der Psychotherapie," Psyche. Vol. 7, No. 6 (reprint), 1953 - 1954
Two copies.
Frederking, Walter. "Intoxicant Drugs (Mescaline and Lysergic Acie Diethylamide) in Psychotherapy," The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. Vol. 121, No. 3 (reprint), March 1955
Two copies. Extensive underlining and marginalia throughout both.
Freedman, Alfred M., Martin S. Deutsch, and Cynthia Deutsch. "Sensory Response of Schizophrenic Children Under Atarax: A New Method of Measurement," Neuro-Psychopharmacology. Vol. 2 (reprint), 1961
Includes published and unpublished preprints, reprints, abstracts, and drafts of articles on the use of psychotropic substances as a therapeutic agent. It also includes book chapters, letters to the editor, and conference presentations.
Freedman, Daniel X. "A Psychiatrist Comments on LSD," The University of Chicago Magazine, March 1967
Includes published and unpublished preprints, reprints, abstracts, and drafts of articles on the use of psychotropic substances as a therapeutic agent. It also includes book chapters, letters to the editor, and conference presentations.
Freedman, Daniel X. "Effects of LSD-25 on Brain Serotonin," The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. Vo. 134, No. 2 (reprint), 1961
Two copies. Each has a different cover.
Freedman, Sanford J. and Milton Greenblatt. "Studies in Human Isolation I. Perceptual Findings" and "Studies in Human Isolation II. Hallucinations and Other Cognitive Findings," U.S. Armed Forces Medical Journal. Vol. 11, No. 11 and Vol. 11, No. 12 (reprint), November - December 1960
Handwritten note and signature from author on front page.
Freeman, Harry. "Pupil Dilatation in Normal and Schizophrenic Subjects Following Lysergic Acid Diethylamide Ingestion," A. M. A. Archives of Neurology & Psychiatry. Vo. 79 (reprint), March 1958
Includes published and unpublished preprints, reprints, abstracts, and drafts of articles on the use of psychotropic substances as a therapeutic agent. It also includes book chapters, letters to the editor, and conference presentations.
Freund, Kurt, Ron Langevin, Stephen Cibiri, and Yaroslaw Zajac. "Heterosexual Aversion in Homosexual Males," The British Journal of Psychiatry. Vol. 122 No. 567 (reprint), February 1973
Handwritten note in Czech from author on front page.
Friedhoff, Arnold J. and Bernard Abrams. "Effect of Glutamic Acid and Glutamine on the Pyretogenic Action of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide," Journal of Clinical and Experimental Psychopathology & Quarterly Review of Psychiatry and Neurology. Vol. 21, No. 1 (reprint), January - March 1960
Includes published and unpublished preprints, reprints, abstracts, and drafts of articles on the use of psychotropic substances as a therapeutic agent. It also includes book chapters, letters to the editor, and conference presentations.
Frohman, C. E., Morris Goodman, E. D. Luby, P. G. S. Beckett, and R. Senf. "Ceruloplasmin, Transferrin, and Tryptophan in Schizophrenia," A. M. A. Archives of Neurology & Psychiatry. Vol. 79 (reprint), June 1958
Includes published and unpublished preprints, reprints, abstracts, and drafts of articles on the use of psychotropic substances as a therapeutic agent. It also includes book chapters, letters to the editor, and conference presentations.
Fuster, Joaquin M. "Lysergic Acid and its Effects on Visual Discrimination in Monkeys," The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. Vol. 129, No. 3 (reprint), September 1959
Includes published and unpublished preprints, reprints, abstracts, and drafts of articles on the use of psychotropic substances as a therapeutic agent. It also includes book chapters, letters to the editor, and conference presentations.
Research Materials, 1931 - 2011
Consists of secondary source materials Stanislav Grof consulted during the course of his career.
Research Articles, 1941 - 2010, bulk: 1950 - 1980
Includes published and unpublished preprints, reprints, abstracts, and drafts of articles on the use of psychotropic substances as a therapeutic agent. It also includes book chapters, letters to the editor, and conference presentations.
Stanislav Grof papers
Papers and related materials documenting the life and career and of psychiatrist and author Dr. Stanislav Grof (Stan Grof). The papers consist primarily of published research articles and clippings discussing the therapeutic effects of psychoactive substances, as well as some first-hand accounts of transcendental experiences.