Box 74
Contains 37 Results:
F Alternate Mission Review, March 13, 1969
The Results files contain materials that document the conclusion of the Apollo mission and relate scientific findings made possible by those missions, as well as summaries and reports of the missions themselves. All of the materials related to the Apollo mission results remain in Mr. Armstrong’s original arrangement.
Internal Note MSC-CF-P-69-5: LM Descent/Phasing Summary Document, Mission F, Preliminary, February 19, 1969
The Results files contain materials that document the conclusion of the Apollo mission and relate scientific findings made possible by those missions, as well as summaries and reports of the missions themselves. All of the materials related to the Apollo mission results remain in Mr. Armstrong’s original arrangement.
"Internal Note No. 69-FM-56: TLI Ship Positioning and Coverage Data for Apollo Mission F Lunar Launch Opportunities for May 1969", March 3, 1969
The Results files contain materials that document the conclusion of the Apollo mission and relate scientific findings made possible by those missions, as well as summaries and reports of the missions themselves. All of the materials related to the Apollo mission results remain in Mr. Armstrong’s original arrangement.
Internal Note No. 69-FM-74: Views from the Spacecraft During Apollo 10 (Mission F), March 21, 1969
The Results files contain materials that document the conclusion of the Apollo mission and relate scientific findings made possible by those missions, as well as summaries and reports of the missions themselves. All of the materials related to the Apollo mission results remain in Mr. Armstrong’s original arrangement.
Launch window summary for May and June 1969 'F' Mission, February 18, 1969
The Results files contain materials that document the conclusion of the Apollo mission and relate scientific findings made possible by those missions, as well as summaries and reports of the missions themselves. All of the materials related to the Apollo mission results remain in Mr. Armstrong’s original arrangement.
Preliminary crew maneuver monitoring procedures - F Mission , February 7, 1969
The Results files contain materials that document the conclusion of the Apollo mission and relate scientific findings made possible by those missions, as well as summaries and reports of the missions themselves. All of the materials related to the Apollo mission results remain in Mr. Armstrong’s original arrangement.
Preliminary F mission LOU crew charts for a CSM only lunar orbit alternate mission, undated
The Results files contain materials that document the conclusion of the Apollo mission and relate scientific findings made possible by those missions, as well as summaries and reports of the missions themselves. All of the materials related to the Apollo mission results remain in Mr. Armstrong’s original arrangement.
Preliminary F mission 10-minute crew charts for aborts during TLI , March 7, 1969
The Results files contain materials that document the conclusion of the Apollo mission and relate scientific findings made possible by those missions, as well as summaries and reports of the missions themselves. All of the materials related to the Apollo mission results remain in Mr. Armstrong’s original arrangement.
Preliminary F mission 15-minute crew chart for aborts during LOI , February 20, 1969
The Results files contain materials that document the conclusion of the Apollo mission and relate scientific findings made possible by those missions, as well as summaries and reports of the missions themselves. All of the materials related to the Apollo mission results remain in Mr. Armstrong’s original arrangement.
Priority for reproduction of microfilm for Mission F earth-moon terminator and horizon orientations, February 24, 1969
The Results files contain materials that document the conclusion of the Apollo mission and relate scientific findings made possible by those missions, as well as summaries and reports of the missions themselves. All of the materials related to the Apollo mission results remain in Mr. Armstrong’s original arrangement.
"TEI maneuvers for each lunar orbit for an Apollo F launched May 18, 1969", March 4, 1969
The Results files contain materials that document the conclusion of the Apollo mission and relate scientific findings made possible by those missions, as well as summaries and reports of the missions themselves. All of the materials related to the Apollo mission results remain in Mr. Armstrong’s original arrangement.
Time critical aborts for the F mission, February 20, 1969
The Results files contain materials that document the conclusion of the Apollo mission and relate scientific findings made possible by those missions, as well as summaries and reports of the missions themselves. All of the materials related to the Apollo mission results remain in Mr. Armstrong’s original arrangement.