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Box 74


Contains 38 Results:

Apollo Program, 1961 - 1977

 Sub-Series — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSA 5, Series 1, Sub-Series 5
Scope and Contents The Apollo sub-series contains a high volume of diverse materials. It houses both personal papers consisting of congratulatory correspondences from friends, family, and NASA colleagues together with newspaper clippings collected by Neil Armstrong in the years following the success of the lunar landing mission as well as the working files used by Armstrong in the years of planning and during the Apollo 11 mission.The guiding principle in the organization of the working files is to...
Dates: 1961 - 1977

NASA Career, 1948 - 2009

 Series — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSA 5, Series 1
Scope and Contents Housed in this series are the documents and other materials generated during Neil Armstrong's NASA career, from his days as an experimental test pilot through his assignment as the Deputy Administrator of Aeronautics. Early materials of note are documents related to the X-15 program and Armstrong’s engineering work as part of the Dyna-Soar team before his transfer into the astronaut program. A central piece of this series is the inclusion of Armstrong's application to the NASA astronaut...
Dates: 1948 - 2009

Results, 1958 - 1994

 Sub-Group — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSA 5, Series 1, Sub-Series 5, Sub-Group 5
Scope and Contents

The Results files contain materials that document the conclusion of the Apollo mission and relate scientific findings made possible by those missions, as well as summaries and reports of the missions themselves. All of the materials related to the Apollo mission results remain in Mr. Armstrong’s original arrangement.

Dates: 1958 - 1994

Apollo Program - Results, 1969 - 1972

 File — Box: 74
Identifier: MSA 5, Series 1, Sub-Series 5, Sub-Group 5, File 3
Scope and Contents From the Sub-Group:

The Results files contain materials that document the conclusion of the Apollo mission and relate scientific findings made possible by those missions, as well as summaries and reports of the missions themselves. All of the materials related to the Apollo mission results remain in Mr. Armstrong’s original arrangement.

Dates: 1969 - 1972

Flight Plans, Apollo 11, March - April 1969

 Item — Box: 74, Folder: 1
Identifier: MSA 5, Series 1, Sub-Series 5, Sub-Group 5, File 3, Item 1
Scope and Contents From the Sub-Group:

The Results files contain materials that document the conclusion of the Apollo mission and relate scientific findings made possible by those missions, as well as summaries and reports of the missions themselves. All of the materials related to the Apollo mission results remain in Mr. Armstrong’s original arrangement.

Dates: March - April 1969

Internal Note No. 69-FM-270: The Apollo 11 Task, October 27, 1969

 Item — Box: 74, Folder: 2
Identifier: MSA 5, Series 1, Sub-Series 5, Sub-Group 5, File 3, Item 2
Scope and Contents From the Sub-Group:

The Results files contain materials that document the conclusion of the Apollo mission and relate scientific findings made possible by those missions, as well as summaries and reports of the missions themselves. All of the materials related to the Apollo mission results remain in Mr. Armstrong’s original arrangement.

Dates: October 27, 1969

LM altitude and terrain profile range history during the approach phase of Apollo 11 powered descent maneuver, August 27, 1969

 Item — Box: 74, Folder: 3, Item: 1
Identifier: MSA 5, Series 1, Sub-Series 5, Sub-Group 5, File 3, Item 3
Scope and Contents From the Sub-Group:

The Results files contain materials that document the conclusion of the Apollo mission and relate scientific findings made possible by those missions, as well as summaries and reports of the missions themselves. All of the materials related to the Apollo mission results remain in Mr. Armstrong’s original arrangement.

Dates: August 27, 1969

LMMP Approach and Landing Performance, September 5, 1969

 Item — Box: 74, Folder: 3, Item: 2
Identifier: MSA 5, Series 1, Sub-Series 5, Sub-Group 5, File 3, Item 4
Scope and Contents From the Sub-Group:

The Results files contain materials that document the conclusion of the Apollo mission and relate scientific findings made possible by those missions, as well as summaries and reports of the missions themselves. All of the materials related to the Apollo mission results remain in Mr. Armstrong’s original arrangement.

Dates: September 5, 1969

Odor anomaly in Apollo 11, September 26, 1969; "Investigation of odor detected in the spacecraft tunnel during the Apollo 11 flight", September 29, 1969

 Item — Box: 74, Folder: 3, Item: 3
Identifier: MSA 5, Series 1, Sub-Series 5, Sub-Group 5, File 3, Item 5
Scope and Contents From the Sub-Group:

The Results files contain materials that document the conclusion of the Apollo mission and relate scientific findings made possible by those missions, as well as summaries and reports of the missions themselves. All of the materials related to the Apollo mission results remain in Mr. Armstrong’s original arrangement.

Dates: September 29, 1969

Preliminary comparison of actual Apollo 11 consumables usage with preflight predictions, July 30, 1969

 Item — Box: 74, Folder: 3, Item: 4
Identifier: MSA 5, Series 1, Sub-Series 5, Sub-Group 5, File 3, Item 4
Scope and Contents From the Sub-Group:

The Results files contain materials that document the conclusion of the Apollo mission and relate scientific findings made possible by those missions, as well as summaries and reports of the missions themselves. All of the materials related to the Apollo mission results remain in Mr. Armstrong’s original arrangement.

Dates: July 30, 1969

Postflight analysis of cislunar phases of Apollo 11, August 27, 1969

 Item — Box: 74, Folder: 3, Item: 5
Identifier: MSA 5, Series 1, Sub-Series 5, Sub-Group 5, File 3, Item 5
Scope and Contents From the Sub-Group:

The Results files contain materials that document the conclusion of the Apollo mission and relate scientific findings made possible by those missions, as well as summaries and reports of the missions themselves. All of the materials related to the Apollo mission results remain in Mr. Armstrong’s original arrangement.

Dates: August 27, 1969

Reconstruction of the Apollo 11 lunar terrain profile based on landing radar data, September 3, 1969

 Item — Box: 74, Folder: 3, Item: 6
Identifier: MSA 5, Series 1, Sub-Series 5, Sub-Group 5, File 3, Item 6
Scope and Contents From the Sub-Group:

The Results files contain materials that document the conclusion of the Apollo mission and relate scientific findings made possible by those missions, as well as summaries and reports of the missions themselves. All of the materials related to the Apollo mission results remain in Mr. Armstrong’s original arrangement.

Dates: September 3, 1969

Technical Information Release: Results of Apollo 11/LMS Flight Performance Comparison, January 6, 1970

 Item — Box: 74, Folder: 3, Item: 7
Identifier: MSA 5, Series 1, Sub-Series 5, Sub-Group 5, File 3, Item 7
Scope and Contents From the Sub-Group:

The Results files contain materials that document the conclusion of the Apollo mission and relate scientific findings made possible by those missions, as well as summaries and reports of the missions themselves. All of the materials related to the Apollo mission results remain in Mr. Armstrong’s original arrangement.

Dates: January 6, 1970

Visibility degradation due to lunar dust on landing, March 10, 1970

 Item — Box: 74, Folder: 3, Item: 8
Identifier: MSA 5, Series 1, Sub-Series 5, Sub-Group 5, File 3, Item 8
Scope and Contents From the Sub-Group:

The Results files contain materials that document the conclusion of the Apollo mission and relate scientific findings made possible by those missions, as well as summaries and reports of the missions themselves. All of the materials related to the Apollo mission results remain in Mr. Armstrong’s original arrangement.

Dates: March 10, 1970

On the Moon With Apollo 16, April 1972

 Item — Box: 74, Folder: 5
Identifier: MSA 5, Series 1, Sub-Series 5, Sub-Group 5, File 3, Item 9
Scope and Contents

Includes two copies, one signed by Gene Cernan with Apollo 16 crew patch sticker.

Dates: April 1972

On the Moon With Apollo 17, December 1972

 Item — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSA 5, Series 1, Sub-Series 5, Sub-Group 5, File 3, Item 10
Scope and Contents

Includes two copies; for poster see Apollo Oversized Materials, Flat Files, Drawer 4 "Flight and Space Exploration Archives," folder.

Dates: December 1972

Apollo 17 Scientific Experiments, Compiled from the Apollo 17 Mission Requirements Document, undated

 Item — Box: 74, Folder: 6, Item: 1
Identifier: MSA 5, Series 1, Sub-Series 5, Sub-Group 5, File 3, Item 11
Scope and Contents From the Sub-Group:

The Results files contain materials that document the conclusion of the Apollo mission and relate scientific findings made possible by those missions, as well as summaries and reports of the missions themselves. All of the materials related to the Apollo mission results remain in Mr. Armstrong’s original arrangement.

Dates: undated

Apollo 17, Traverse Planning Data (2nd edition), September 1, 1972

 Item — Box: 74, Folder: 6, Item: 2
Identifier: MSA 5, Series 1, Sub-Series 5, Sub-Group 5, File 3, Item 12
Scope and Contents From the Sub-Group:

The Results files contain materials that document the conclusion of the Apollo mission and relate scientific findings made possible by those missions, as well as summaries and reports of the missions themselves. All of the materials related to the Apollo mission results remain in Mr. Armstrong’s original arrangement.

Dates: September 1, 1972

Addenda to MSC Memoranda 69-FM54-45 and 69-FM54-59: Ground Elapsed times at TEI, March 17, 1969

 Item — Box: 74, Folder: 7, Item: 1
Identifier: MSA 5, Series 1, Sub-Series 5, Sub-Group 5, File 3, Item 13
Scope and Contents From the Sub-Group:

The Results files contain materials that document the conclusion of the Apollo mission and relate scientific findings made possible by those missions, as well as summaries and reports of the missions themselves. All of the materials related to the Apollo mission results remain in Mr. Armstrong’s original arrangement.

Dates: March 17, 1969

All about F APS burn to depletion and landmark tracking, February 19, 1969

 Item — Box: 74, Folder: 7, Item: 2
Identifier: MSA 5, Series 1, Sub-Series 5, Sub-Group 5, File 3, Item 14
Scope and Contents From the Sub-Group:

The Results files contain materials that document the conclusion of the Apollo mission and relate scientific findings made possible by those missions, as well as summaries and reports of the missions themselves. All of the materials related to the Apollo mission results remain in Mr. Armstrong’s original arrangement.

Dates: February 19, 1969

Apollo (AS-505/CSM 106/LM-4) Preliminary Spacecraft Alternate Mission Plan. Volume II - Alternate Lunar Missions, February 14 1969

 Item — Box: 74, Folder: 7, Item: 3
Identifier: MSA 5, Series 1, Sub-Series 5, Sub-Group 5, File 3, Item 15
Scope and Contents From the Sub-Group:

The Results files contain materials that document the conclusion of the Apollo mission and relate scientific findings made possible by those missions, as well as summaries and reports of the missions themselves. All of the materials related to the Apollo mission results remain in Mr. Armstrong’s original arrangement.

Dates: February 14 1969

Apollo 10 lunar orbit orientation change, March 2, 1969

 Item — Box: 74, Folder: 7, Item: 4
Identifier: MSA 5, Series 1, Sub-Series 5, Sub-Group 5, File 3, Item 16
Scope and Contents From the Sub-Group:

The Results files contain materials that document the conclusion of the Apollo mission and relate scientific findings made possible by those missions, as well as summaries and reports of the missions themselves. All of the materials related to the Apollo mission results remain in Mr. Armstrong’s original arrangement.

Dates: March 2, 1969

APS burn to depletion on Apollo Mission F, March 4, 1969

 Item — Box: 74, Folder: 7, Item: 5
Identifier: MSA 5, Series 1, Sub-Series 5, Sub-Group 5, File 3, Item 17
Scope and Contents From the Sub-Group:

The Results files contain materials that document the conclusion of the Apollo mission and relate scientific findings made possible by those missions, as well as summaries and reports of the missions themselves. All of the materials related to the Apollo mission results remain in Mr. Armstrong’s original arrangement.

Dates: March 4, 1969

Consideration of lunar landing sites data requirements and launch dates for Apollo X Mission, February 17, 1969

 Item — Box: 74, Folder: 7, Item: 6
Identifier: MSA 5, Series 1, Sub-Series 5, Sub-Group 5, File 3, Item 18
Scope and Contents From the Sub-Group:

The Results files contain materials that document the conclusion of the Apollo mission and relate scientific findings made possible by those missions, as well as summaries and reports of the missions themselves. All of the materials related to the Apollo mission results remain in Mr. Armstrong’s original arrangement.

Dates: February 17, 1969

Delta velocity requirements to achieve large easterly shifts in entry longitude and to control flight path angle at entry during the Apollo F transearth coast, February 19, 1969

 Item — Box: 74, Folder: 7, Item: 7
Identifier: MSA 5, Series 1, Sub-Series 5, Sub-Group 5, File 3, Item 19
Scope and Contents From the Sub-Group:

The Results files contain materials that document the conclusion of the Apollo mission and relate scientific findings made possible by those missions, as well as summaries and reports of the missions themselves. All of the materials related to the Apollo mission results remain in Mr. Armstrong’s original arrangement.

Dates: February 19, 1969