Box 26
Contains 27 Results:
Addresses, circa 1892-1898
Winthrop E. Stone papers
Tribute to Amos Heavilon, 1892
Tribute to Amos Heavilon at the dedication for the engineering building, January 19, 1892. Five ms pages.
Statement to Executive Committee of the Y.M.C.A., 1895
Seventeen ms pages
The value of pure sciences, 1895
Parlor club, March 19, 1895. Fourteen ms pages.
Science in the public schools, 1897
Williamsport, November 26, 1897
Delphi, February 12, 1898
Rensselaer, December 1, 1899.
Twenty ms pages
Note: Addresses, 1896 in box 47
Chapel Talks, 1898
The Cost of an Education, November 2, 1898 The Relations between Students and the University Authorities, September 18,1899 Twelve ms pages
Good Citizenship, undated
No date, no place. Nineteen ms pages
Public opinion and science, undated
No date, no place. Twenty-two ms pages. Pages Lacking
Practical Ideals, undated
No date, no place. Thirty-one typescript pages.
The Relationship of Life, 1912
Abstract of Address "The Relationship of Life" at Fort Wayne High School Commencement. Five typescript pages.
1912, Also used at Lafayette, Bremen, Vincennes, Hartford City.
A Religion to Live By, undated
Address of Sunday Vesper Service. Two typescript pages. Partial text
Address about ideals, advantages, duties of college teacher, undated
No date, no place. Fourteen typescript pages.
The Needs of Agriculture as Regards Education, undated
No date, no place. Twelve typescript pages.
The Social Aspects of Rural Life, undated
No date, no place. Nineteen ms pages.
Comments about cheating in class work, undated
No date, no place. Five ms pages numbered 28, 29, 30, 31,32
The Relations of Purdue University to the Farmers, undated
No date, no place. Twelve typescript pages.
Agriculture and Country Life, undated
Abstract of address [on vocational education] at state conference on Agriculture and Country Life. No date, no place. Four typed pages.
Some Phases of College Ethics, undated
No date, no place. Nineteen typescript pages.
Efficiency of the Public Schools, Undated
Parlor Club, October 2nd. One ms page outline
The Choice of a Vocation, Undated
Nno date, no place. Fifteen ms pages.
Remarks about the state of the University in 1905, Undated
Twenty-six ms pages
Remarks at annual banquet, undated
Remarks at annual banquet of West Side Methodist Student Bible Classes. No date, no place. One typescript page.
Conference of Student Councils, undated
Remarks at opening of Conference of Student Councils at Purdue. No date. Two typescript pages.
Purdue University in War, 1919
Four typescript pages