Box 26
Contains 18 Results:
Box 26
40 Cubic ft.
A - Correspondence, 1959-1982
business and personal
Atlantic Congress, 1959
Hovde was on the U.S. committee that attended the Atlantic Conference to Develop Cooperation between NATO Countries in London, 1952, he served on the Scientific and Technical Cooperation Task Force. Reports, correspondence, printed material, 1959
Atlantic Council, 1953-1973
Contribution requests, newsletters, brochures
Atlantic Union, 1970-1976
Membership information, newsletters
Autographs - Requests for, 1948-1973
Requests for Hovde's signature, mainly relating to his college football career
Atomic Industrial Forum, Inc., 1953-1973
Correspondence, booklets, charts, bylaws, reports, studies on atomic energy
Atomic Industrial Forum, Oliver Townsend Award, 1975
Program, business correspondence regarding Hovde's award
Award, Lou Gehrig, 1954-1975
Hovde was a member of the award committee; list of award winners, players' stats, newspaper clippings, correspondence on player selections
Awards, 1971-1975
invitations for Hovde to attend various award dinners
Battle Ground Historical Corporation, 1972-1976
membership cards and dues
Board for Fundamental Education, 1958-1972
Hovde was a board member; correspondence, reports, meeting minutes, printed material related to education
Board of Foreign Scholarships, 1952-1975
Hovde served on board; business correspondence
Bohemian Grove (Northern California), 1969
Postcards, programs, guest lists, personal correspondence regarding Hovde's trip to the annual event held by the elite all-male Bohemian Club. Fellow attendants at the event included Spiro Agnew, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, Malcolm Forbes and David Rockefeller
Bologna, University of, 1949-1954
Hovde served on the American Committee for the University of Bologna; includes reports, correspondence
BOMARC Evaluation Panel, 1959
Hovde served on the panel, 1959; business correspondence, notes, informational booklets, newsletters, statements and reports regarding the evaluation of the pilot-less nuclear-tipped interceptor missiles designed by Boeing
Boys Clubs of America, Tippecanoe County, 1969-1974
Meeting minutes, agendas, bylaws, constitution, correspondence
Boy Scouts of America, Sagamore Council, 1968-1975
Correspondence, membership information, dues