Box 1
Contains 28 Results:
Correspondence, Clippings, Articles, Reports, 1922-1960
American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, 1956-1957
Reports, business correspondence, and meeting agenda
American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1956-1957
Business correspondence regarding membership
American Council on Education, 1956-1957
Business correspondence, notes, meeting minutes, agendas, and other materials related to the American Council on Education
American Council on Pharmaceutical Education, 1946-1957
Correspondence, articles, newspaper clippings, accreditation materials, newsletters, reports, printed materials relating to pharmaceutical education
American Pharmaceutical Association, 1955-1959
Bulletins, correspondence, membership certificate and card, meeting programs
Accreditation Manual Revision, 1957
American Council on Pharmaceutical Education; manual, correspondence, Elliott's revision suggestions
American Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education, 1957
Personal correspondence between Elliott and W. Paul Briggs, Executive Director of the Foundation
Anonymous, 1956
Anecdotal historical stories written in letter form addressed to "Bob" from "Gamber"
Arizona Pharmaceutical Association, 1948-1954
Business correspondence, meeting agendas
Articles and Correspondence, 1941-1957
Meeting minutes, agendas, correspondence regarding the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching; articles and clippings on the failure of the educational system, Purdue University reports, newsletters from different organizations
Association of Land-Grant Colleges and Universities, 1955-1957
Business correspondence
Carnegie Foundation, 1955
50th anniversary dinner program
Clippings - Current, 1953-1957
Newspaper clippings regarding Elliott, his stroke, and an article written by his son
Clippings and Quotes, ca. 1940s-1950s
Inspirational and humorous newspaper clippings collected by Elliott
Cosmos Club, 1955-1959
Membership information, bulletins, business correspondence
Current - Daily, 1922-1956
Personal correspondence, clippings, notes mainly from the 1950s; includes telegrams from Purdue University to Elliott regarding the presidency of Purdue, 1922
Educational Reference, 1954-1960
Business correspondence, articles, and reports regarding education; includes series of student opinion polls from Purdue University
Elliott Family, 1957-1958
Personal correspondence between Elliott and his family following his stroke
Elliott File, 1945-1956
Information and correspondence regarding the Elizabeth Nowland Elliott and the Edward C. Elliott Scholarship Funds; correspondence between Elliott and his children, newspaper clippings on Elliott
Engineering Manpower Newsletters, 1956-1959
Judd, Dr. Charles H., 1933-1946
Personal correspondence with Judd, head of the Department of Education at the University of Chicago
K-General, ca. 1935-1954
Humorous and inspirational clippings, quotes, and poems collected by Elliott; humorous correspondence between Elliott and colleagues debating the issue of whether or not cows can sit
Military Training - Universal, 1944-1945
Research articles collected by Elliott on war and compulsory military training, articles and speeches written by Elliott; includes script for ABC's radio program America's Town on which Elliott gave a statement on military training, 1945
Miscellaneous, ca. 1930s-1956
Index cards containing inspirational quotes and speech notes, personal correspondence, articles, clippings on Elliott, Who's Who biographical data on Elliott, 1954; and correspondence with Owen D. Young regarding his donation to Purdue University to establish an annual medal for outstanding students, 1937