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H. W. Heine papers

 Collection — Communal Collections Box: 24, Placement: 06
Identifier: MSF 170

Scope and Contents

One folder containing an article by H. W. Heine.


  • Creation: 1928


Language of Materials

Collection materials are in English.

Access Information

The collections is open for research.

Copyright and Use Information

Some material in this collection are in the public domain, while other material copyrights are held by Purdue University. Consult with Purdue University Archives and Special Collections prior to reproduction of materials.

Biographical Information

H. W Heine graduated from Purdue University's School of Pharmacy in 1913. After graduation he engaged in the retail side of Pharmacy at Wells-Yeager-Best Company of Lafayette. He was in charge of the prescription department of that store for some time, and he also planned the windows for the company. Mr. Heine also took an active part in the Pharmaceutical affairs of the state of Indiana. He joined the staff of Purdue University in the Pharmacy School in 1928. He was in charge of the dispensatory in the Purdue School of Pharmacy. The dispensatory compounded the prescriptions written by the University physicians for the students. The doctors gave the prescriptions to the students and advised them that they could be filled without cost at the School of Pharmacy. This health service was financed by a fee charged to every student upon registering in the university. The fee was $4.00 per annum. Out of the fee two physicians and a nurse were employed who gave medical attention to the students when needed. A portion of the fee was spent for medicine to be dispensed on the prescriptions for students. Mr. Heine was hired to fill the prescriptions written by the university physicians. He also supervised the work done by the senior students as prescription practice. Mr. Heine also devoted his time to the course in Commercial Pharmacy. He had about fourteen years of experience in retail stores. Since he had also devoted much time to window displays, he also gave an actual laboratory course in sign painting and window decorating.


0.025 Cubic Feet (One folder)

Acquisition Information

Source and date of acquisition are unknown.

Processing Information

The material is housed in an acid-free folder and an acid-free box.

H. W. Heine papers
Under Review
Mary A. Sego
Description rules
Describing Archives: A Content Standard
Language of description
Script of description
Language of description note
Edition statement
Second edition. Collection description first completed 2010-09-09.

Repository Details

Part of the Purdue University Archives and Special Collections Repository

504 Mitch Daniels Boulevard
West Lafayette Indiana 47907 United States