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Purdue University Office of the Registrar, Degrees Conferred

 Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: UA 36

Scope and Contents

The Purdue University Office of the Registrar, Degrees Conferred (1992-1999; 0.2 cubic feet) provides a statistical breakdown of the various degrees. Included in the reports are degree titles and abbreviatons and historical degree level for the years 1975-1976 to the year being reported. Also included are "degrees by degree title, session and gender;" "degrees by school, degree level, session and gender;" "degrees by school, program, session and gender." Some of the reports provide statistics for "degrees in undergraduate teaching programs by school, program, session and gender;" "degrees in graduate education by degree title, specialty, session and gender" and "cooperative education certificates by school, program, session and gender." A table of contents in each of the seven volumes provides highlights and a breakdown of the various listings.


  • Creation: 1992-1999


0.20 Cubic Feet

1.00 mss._boxes

Language of Materials


Source of Acquisition

Purdue Registrar’s Office

Processing Information

The reports have been placed in archival folders and boxes. They are in chronological order.

Purdue University Office of the Registrar, Degrees Conferred
In Progress
Mary A. Sego
Description rules
Describing Archives: A Content Standard
Language of description
Script of description
Language of description note

Repository Details

Part of the Purdue University Archives and Special Collections Repository

504 Mitch Daniels Boulevard
West Lafayette Indiana 47907 United States