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Printed Materials

 Sub-Series — Box: 4
Identifier: Box 4

Scope and Contents

Dr. L.M. Sears Speaks To Graduating Classes

"Seer Sears," Dr. Louis Sear, Purdue University by Edward Dunlap

The National Book Foundation (with notes).

Reserve Officers Meet at Purdue, 1933

Current History Group Will Hear Sears Speak

Sears Completes Volume by Moran

"Buy American" Aid Roosevelt, Says Purdue's Historian

Sears, Legion Speaker, Urges That Roosevelt Be Upheld in Program

Journalistic Group Names New Pledges

The Key Reporter, The Phi Beta Kappa News Magazine, 1950

7 Professors to Retire After Total of 235 Years of Service, The Journal and Courier, 1955

L.M. Sears Will Probated: Late Historian Leaves Literay Materials, Funds to Purdue. The Journal and Courier, Lafayette, IND.

Dellwood Park Will be Famous, The Joliet News, 1905.

Prof. L. Sears Recieves 'Best Teacher Award,' The Purdue Exponent, Purdue University, 1953

Remarks of Senator William E. Jenner (R-IND) in the United States Senate

Newspaper clippings that mention Sears

Foreign Affairs, 1943

"Negros and Mulattoes in Eighteenth-Century France," by Shelby T. McCloy, 1945

"The Foundations of American Neutrality," by C.R. Fish and Victor Albjera, 1922

"George Washington is not Dead!" by Brainbridge Colby

"Inflation-Smoke or Fire?" by Yale Brozen

"Iron and Steel Industries of Manchuria," by Muzaffer Erselcuk

Remarks of Senator William E. Jenner in the United States Senate, 1958

"The Truth about FDR's Health, by Karl C. Wold, 1949


  • Creation: 1935-1957


Access Information

Collection is open for research.


0.363 Cubic Feet (1 container)

Language of Materials

From the Collection: English

Repository Details

Part of the Purdue University Archives and Special Collections Repository

504 Mitch Daniels Boulevard
West Lafayette Indiana 47907 United States