"OEO/LSI Agreement", August, 1966
Scope and Contents
Sub-series includes materials related to Williams' work with Head Start programs in Mississippi. This includes her work as an Office of Economic Opportunity (OEO) consultant and as the director of Mississippi Action for Progress (MAP). Many of the materials document the racial tensions, inequality, and racism in Mississippi during this period, as well as attacks against civil rights groups. Materials include reports, contracts, correspondence, guides, procedural documents, meeting minutes, newsletters, articles, grant records, financial records, and research papers.
- Creation: August, 1966
- From the Collection: Williams, Helen Bass, 1916-1991 (Person)
Access Information
The majority of the sub-series is open for research. Select records in File 3 and all records in Files 4 and 9 have been restricted as they contain confidential information.
From the Sub-Series: 0.55 Cubic Feet (Twenty folders and two flat folders)
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
From the Collection: French
Repository Details
Part of the Purdue University Archives and Special Collections Repository
504 Mitch Daniels Boulevard
West Lafayette Indiana 47907 United States