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University of Dayton Invitational Drill Meet, 1946 - 1965

 Item — Box: 6, Item: 1
Identifier: UA 55, Series 1, File 6, Item 1

Scope and Contents

Encompasses - 1957-58 Ohio State; 1958-59 Ohio State; 1959-60 University of Cincinnati; 1960-61 Purdue Drill Team; 1961-62 Purdue Drill Team; 1962-64 Drill Meet Not Held; 1964-65 Purdue Drill Team; Trophy retired 21 March, 1946 (top has pieces missing, one trophy with multiple years listed on nameplate).


  • Creation: 1946 - 1965


Language of Materials

From the Collection:

Collection material is in English.

Access Information

Collection is open for research. Some items are stored offsite; 24 hours notice is required to access the collection.


From the Series: 6.025 Cubic Feet (Six cubic feet boxes and one Item (footlocker))

Repository Details

Part of the Purdue University Archives and Special Collections Repository

504 Mitch Daniels Boulevard
West Lafayette Indiana 47907 United States