Career Highlights and Memorabilia, 1927 - 2015
Scope and Contents
Within this series are nine sub-series. Items of note include, but are not limited to: photographs of Cap Sur L'Espace French Television Panel, 1991 (includes six photographs with other participants, Cosmonaut Vitaly Sevastyanov, Cosmonaut Vladimir Solovyev, and French astronaut Patrick Baudry; Craig's NASA Oral History (2006); Handbook of Astronautical Engineering (Astronaut Jim McDivitt's personal copy, his name is in pencil on the inside cover. Signed by Dr. Koelle with a personal note to Mark Craig); Shuttle Launch/Landing Access badges; flight qualified Space Shuttle thermal protection system (TPS) tile; A Soviet map of the Moon [labeled in Russian] presented by Academician Slava Shevchenko and signed by him: "To dear Mark Craig with best wishes, Slava Shevchenko, April, 1988 Houston;" and BRC Imagination Arts Shuttle Launch Experience poster signed by astronauts Charlie Bolden and Rick Searfoss. The poster identifies Mark Craig as the NASA Laureate contributor to the project, 2007. This is a small sampling of items, please refer to the detailed listing below for complete information.
- Letters, Clippings, and Events
- Papers, Articles and Speeches by Craig
- Awards and Recognition
- People Photographs
- Recognition Photographs
- Oral History
- Eric Peters Painting Donation
- Autographed and/or Important Space Books
- Artifacts
- Creation: 1927 - 2015
- From the Collection: Craig, Mark K., 1948- (Person)
Language of Materials
Collection material is primarily in English. Russian is also present.
Acess Information
Collection is open for research.
From the Collection: 36.027 Cubic Feet (Eighty-six letter-size full-width manuscript boxes, eleven letter-size half-width manuscript boxes, two cubic foot boxes, and five flat boxes. Some oversized items are in flat file folders. )
The items are arranged as Craig had them.
Repository Details
Part of the Purdue University Archives and Special Collections Repository
504 Mitch Daniels Boulevard
West Lafayette Indiana 47907 United States