Articles and Correspondence, 1998 - 2007
Scope and Contents
This file includes a letter from Kevin McCormick enclosing a microfiche copy of Thomas B. Roberts’ “Entheogens – Return of the Ostracized”, 1998, letter from Jeffrey J. Kripal to Thomas B. Roberts thanking him for sending a copy of Psychoactive Sacramentals, 2007, "Is America Going to Pot?" in Time Magazine, November 4, 2002, "Shaping Counselor Education Programs in the Next 5 Years...", "The Entheogen Review" Vol.14 (1,2), Vol.15 (2), "Marijuana Policy Report, 1995-2005", "Altered States of Awareness", Articles by Thomas B. Roberts, Articles by Roland Fischer, and "From Emerson to Esalen: America's Religion of No Religion" by Jeffrey J. Kripal
- Creation: 1998 - 2007
- From the Collection: Roberts, Thomas B. (Person)
Language of Materials
Collection material is primarily in English. Spanish is also present.
Access Information
This collection is open for research.
From the Collection: 0.50 Cubic Feet (One full-width legal-size manuscript box)
Repository Details
Part of the Purdue University Archives and Special Collections Repository
504 Mitch Daniels Boulevard
West Lafayette Indiana 47907 United States