Railroad manuals, pamphets, Century of Progress brochures, and related engineering material, 1907-1950
Scope and Contents
Folder 1. Railroad handbooks and safety rules books, 1907-1950 Items American Locomotive Company, Locomotive Handbook. New York: American Locomotive Company, 1917. Chicago, Cincinnati & Louisville, Rules for the Government of Employees of the Chicago, Cincinnati & Louisville Railroad Company. Chicago, Cincinnati and Louisville, 1907 American Railway Association, Rules of the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Company for the Government of the Operating Department. Richmond, Virginia: American Railway Association, 1931. Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Company, Safety Rules. Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Company, 1932. Clinchfield Railroad Company, Rules Governing the Operating Department. Clinchfield Railroad Company, 1945. Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Company, Safety Rules. Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Company, 1950. Folder 2. Railroad operating manuals, 1929-1950 Items B. E. Pamphlet 2-G For Trainmasters And Train And Engine Crews, 1941 B. E. Pamphlet 20-G For Trainmasters And Train And Engine Crews, 1943 Coppus Locomotive Equipment Company, Description Of And Directions For Installing, Operating And Testing The Coppus Locomotive Fire Pump. Worcester, Massachusetts: Coppus Locomotive Equipment Company, 1929 Electro-Motive Division, Diesel Locomotive Operating Manual No. 2310 For Model F7, 4th Edition. La Grange, Illinois: Electro-Motive Division, General Motors Corporation, 1950 Electro-Motive Division, 600 HP & 1000 HP Switching Locomotive Operating Manual No. 2303, Models SW-1 & NW-2, 567 & 567A Engines, 4th Edition. La Grange, Illinois: Electro-Motive Division, General Motors Corporation, 1949 C. B. Hitch, Standard Instructions For Handling Air Brakes And Locomotive Throttle On Freight Trains. Chesapeake And Ohio Railway Company, 1941 Folder 3. Railroad time tables, 1951 Items Chesapeake and Ohio Mainline Westward, undated Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Passenger Time Table, corrected to May 20, 1951 Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Company (Chesapeake District) Chicago Division Timetable No. 137, March 31, 1951 Pennsylvania Railroad: Form 1, issued March 11, 1951 Folder 4. Railroad employees' record books, 1924-1951 Items The Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Company: Time Return and Delay Report of Engine Employees, undated The Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Company: Time Return and Delay Report of Engine Employees - stubs from completed forms, 18 packets, 1947-1951 The Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Company: Time Return and Delay Report of Engine and Train Employees form booklet, three copies dated 1924-1925 C. & O., Nickel Plate and Wabash Railroad Employees' Official Annual Time Book and Seniority Roster, December 1, 1939-November 30, 1940 C. & O., Nickel Plate and Wabash Railroad Employees' Official Annual Time Book and Seniority Roster, January 1, 1942-December 31, 1942 Enginemen's Time Book: Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen, 1938?; but notes on back page dated 1945 Folder 5. Rates of Pay pamphlets, Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Company, 1943-1944 Items The Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Company Rates of Pay: Engineers, Fireman, Hostlers and Hostler Helpers (Including Hocking Division), effective December 1, 1944, for Engineers and March 16, 1944 for Fireman, Hostlers and Hostler Helpers The Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Company Rates of Pay - Engineers (Excluding Hocking Division), effective December 27, 1943 The Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Company Rates of Pay - Engineers (Excluding Hocking Division), effective December 1, 1944 Folder 6. Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Correspondence, 1907-1951 Items Service Record of Engineer Ben Hippensteel, 1907-1936 Service Record of Engineer Ben Hippensteel, 1907-1941 Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Employees' Hospital Association correspondence and billing statement, 1933 Gross earnings for 1933, dated January 29, 1934 Gross earnings for 1933, dated January 29, 1934 Death Benefits Under The Railroad Retirement Act of 1937 Retirement letter (2 copies), dated June 20, 1951 and response (2 copies), dated June 20, 1951 Folder 7. Seniority Guide for Railroad Men - Peru, Indiana, 1932 Items Booklet, Seniority Guide for Railroad Men - Peru, Indiana, dated March, 1932 Folder 8. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers printed matter, 1924-1933 Items Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers Transfer Card, certificate, 5.5x8.5 inches, undated Brother of Locomotive Engineers survey and letter, undated Brother of Locomotive Engineers, Pension Association of the Brother of Locomotive Engineers Widows Pension Department, Locomotive Engineers Mutual Life & Accident Insurance Association Official Receipts, 1930-1933 Relief Association of the Grand International Auxiliary to the Brother of Locomotive Engineers receipts, 1924-1925 Folder 9. Railroad Whistle Signals for Ross, undated Items Handwritten in pencil: a list of whistle signals, at the bottom is "for Ross", undated
- Creation: 1907-1950
- From the Collection: Hippensteel, Benjamin F. (Person)
Language of Materials
Collection materials are in English.
Access Information
Collection is open for research.
From the Collection: 3.65 Cubic Feet
From the Collection: 2 cubic foot boxes, 2 large flat boxes other_unmapped
Repository Details
Part of the Purdue University Archives and Special Collections Repository
504 Mitch Daniels Boulevard
West Lafayette Indiana 47907 United States