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Purdue University Libraries records, addition 17

 Unprocessed Material — Communal Accessions Box: 12
Identifier: 20150427

Content Description

Includes information from the "The Dean's Bible" ceremony and exhibit, a clipping titled" Women prove well suited to new leadership style" [2003], Purdue Libraries "Reflecting on a year of successes and memories, 2014-15", a copy of the College & Research Libraries News, April 2015 Vol. 76 No. 4, and a clipping titled "Purdue Poem" found in a book. Also contains one DVD titled Libraries: One Book Higher and Faculty-Staff Awards Luncheon as well a 3 Addendums to the Active Learning Center-2015 plans.

Acquisition Type



Departmental records transfer.

Restrictions Apply



  • Creation: 2003 - 2015


0.025 Cubic Feet (One folder)