Gilbert family papers
Content Description
Purdue student memorabilia from H.H Gilbert, BSME12, and John H. Gilbert, BSME50. Includes photographs, including one showing the tank being painted during Tank Scrap, along with student notebooks, programs, pamphlets, certificates, and thank you letters from the Indianapolis Motor Speedway Corporation to members of the Purdue Bands.
Acquisition Type
Donated by Charity G. Monroe on June 15, 2021.
Restrictions Apply
- Creation: 1909 - 1912
- Creation: 1944 - 1950
- Gilbert, Henry Hoyt, 1891-1957 (Person)
0.349 Cubic Feet (1 container)
Photographs: - Tank Scrap participants and tank being painted. - Small-sized BW building photos including Purdue Memorial Union, Agriculture Building, Heavilon Hall, Cary Hall, Ross Ade Stadium, South Hall, and the Hall of Music. - Eight 4" x 5" BW of Purdue Marching Band on formation. Pamphlets: - National Child Labor Committee, No. 108, ca. 1909 - Convocations schedule, 1948-49 Programs: - The Harlequin Club presenting The Country Chairman, ca. 1911 - Victrola Recital, ca. 1911 - Purdue University Band in Concert, 1911 - Purdue Symphonic Band, March 25, 1949 - Purdue Military Varsity and Symphonic Bands, June 12, 1948, April 30, 1954 Newspaper Clippings: - Chicago Daily Tribune, December 9, 1961 - New Band Officers Announced Certificates: -To John Gilbert from The National Society of Scabbard and Blade Miscellaneous Ephemera: - Cardboard name plaque for Capt. J.H. Gilbert - First Alumni Band Roster, 1923-1954 - Class assignments and notebook from H. H. Gilbert - DVD-R copy of 16mm movie of John H. Gilbert, ca. 1950 - Business and personal correspondence including a thank you letter to John Gilbert from the Indianapolis Motor Speedway Corporation. - Bibliography of Government 30 Elements of Democracy - Afternoon rehearsal pictures reminder - Calling card - Individual bandsmen Identification card for J.H. Gilbert - Receipt, ca. 1949