Drnevich, Vincent P.
Biographical Information
Vince Drnevich received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in civil engineering from the University of Notre Dame and he completed the Ph.D. degree at the University of Michigan.
Professor Drnevich was on the faculty at the University of Kentucky for 24 years where he progressed through the academic ranks, did a four-year term as Department Chairman, and served as acting Dean of Engineering for a year. In 1991, he was recruited to Purdue University as the Head of the School of Civil Engineering, a position that he held until June 2000.
His research focuses on the engineering properties of soils and concrete, especially as measured by stress wave propagation and electromagnetic wave propagation. Recent research developed the Purdue TDR Method for water content and density determination of soil, for which there is an ASTM Standard (D 6780) and Purdue holds a number of patents. Durham Geo/Slope Indicator Company has licensed the technology and it is now available. He also has developed a vibratory hammer device for compaction of granular soils which allows for getting maximum densities and water contents for effective compaction from a single test.Vince Drnevich has been recognized for both his teaching and research by a number of national awards from the American Society of Civil Engineers, the American Society for Testing and Materials, and Chi Epsilon (national civil engineering honor society). He is active in many professional and technical organizations including the American Society of Civil Engineers (Fellow and Life Member), the American Society for Engineering Education (he recently chaired the Civil Engineering Division), and the American Society for Testing and Materials (Fellow). He is a licensed professional engineer in Kentucky and Indiana.
Vince and his wife, Roxanne, are celebrating 40 years of marriage and have four grown children. They both are active in their church and are avid golfers, ballroom dancers, and college sports fans.