Drake, Miriam A.
Biographical Information
Drake earned her BS in Economic Analysis, an MLS from Simmons College, and a BI from Harvard University. Upon completing her education, Drake worked in the private sector as a management consultant and research analyst for fourteen years. She joined the library faculty at Purdue in the research unit. In 1976, she became assistant director as well as professor of library science at Purdue. After leaving Purdue, Drake went to work for Georgia Tech in 1984. She retired in 2001 from her position as the Dean and Director of the Library and Information Center at the Georgia Institute of Technology. She also served as President of the Special Libraries Association. A prolific writer and researcher, Drake has several publications and received numerous awards, including the American Library Association Hugh Atkinson Award for innovation and risk taking in 1992. She has also been awarded honorary doctorates from Indiana University and Simmons College.