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Men's Residence Hall Annex B (West Lafayette, Ind.)



  • Existence: 1943 - 1947
  • Usage: 1938 - 1947
  • Usage: 1938 - 1947

Historical Information

The Men's Residence Hall Annex B was acquired from Mr. and Mrs. Ralph B. Wiley in 1938 for $25,000. This building provided additional residence facilities for twenty men and an attached garage that was large enough for two cars. The house was operated in conjunction with the Franklin Levering Cary Quadrangle West Hall under the direction of the Men's Residence Halls. In 1946, this building became an infirmary. In 1948 the annexes could no longer be used for student housing because the placement of fire escapes was too expensive.

Men's Residence Hall Annex B. Purdue Campus Facilities and Buildings Historic Database. Accessed May 12, 2020.